Yellow Light
Cigarette smoke under the rims of my eye glasses wearing stilettos and ballrooming it around on the lensfloor
with lashes. Above the hat that was an alpaca now dyed and a source of
fiber for keeping regular time with the smoke dancing.
Red Light
Penguins run across the highway smoking cigarettes and wearing yellow laminated
signs. Waiting to flipper into the largest retractable dome
to see the ice, a crapshoot, a diversity lottery. Fortunes fall
from raindrops onto violent windshieldsmashes like
rocks off bridges hurtling. What was the rock’s last thought before collision?
What is my last thought before collision?
Green Light
I bet these are magnolia trees. I bet they are lovely
when the Penguins go home. I always knew it rained in
Kelyn Stump is currently obtaining her
MFA in poetry from