Last week,
someone woke up the animals at midnight,
made them howl.
The sound woke me,
and I woke you,
and we went to the barn
to find all the kids and goats dead, bloodless.
Yesterday evening,
our neighbors murdered
their visiting relatives,
and the people in the trailer park
in town hanged themselves
from the Main Street lamp posts.
Our cats and horses
ran away early this morning,
leaving the dogs and sheep and llamas
to fend for themselves.
Just remember,
moving to the country
was your idea.
Mary Christine
Delea’s first book is The
Skeleton Holding Up the Sky (Main Street Rag Press, 2006). She has two
chapbooks, and her poems have appeared in A Gathering of the Tribes, Coal City Review, Freshwater, and Plum Biscuit. She lives in a Portland, Oregon suburb with her husband and six cats and has held various positions,
including university professor, social worker and retail manager. She is
currently an at-home writer, quilter and quilt designer.