Going Digital

Angelo Giambra

         Numberless are the world's wonders” - Sophocles



I looped my finger around zero,

pulled it down

and saw it was the moon.


I drew a one

upon the sky

and saw it was a shooting star.


I watched two

dangle like a cloud

from three, saw how five


was sitting in four's

chair, found six and seven

in the bedroom


doing things I

cannot say.  At eight I

stopped, those perfect loops  


entwined around each other,

and galaxies of nines,

flaming from their center.




giambra.jpgAngelo Giambra'a poems have appeared in Southern Poetry Review, South Dakota Review, Ballard Street Poetry Journal, Freefall Magazine, Tipton Poetry Journal and several other poetry journals.  His poem "Timothy, On Foot" won Honorable Mention in Freefall Magazine's annual poetry contest.


