everything is left unsaid

Rohith Sundararaman



when pa was told he was going

deaf, he stared at us

i repeated our words

and he understood

ever since, pa started to list-

en to everything around him

early mornings, i'd often catch him

standing with his eyes closed, rosary beads

in hand and head tilted to his right

he'd stay

like that right in the middle

of the hallway

till the sun crept up on him

then his eyes would bunch up

and his nose, and that mole, would crinkle

it was as if he were being told

something important

and he'd smile, shake his head

mouth beautiful and walk away

and i'd stay there and wonder

what it would be like

to know that you were going deaf

and yet be able to hear

and then i would imagine

that the sun was creeping up on me




Copyright 2007 by the Tipton Poetry Journal.

All rights remain the exclusive property of the individual poet and may not be used without their permission.

