In the Moon

Arun Gaur


Wispy moon-light

likes to keep quiet unless leaves stir

or an owl peeps out of a barn-bill.


Knives hanging upside down

from hooks in aluminum frame

spread listless sheen

in my kitchen.


Icicles in the caves are worshipped

by the innocuous in the moon.



Arun Gaur lives in Panchkula, India and has taught British/American literature and Critical Theory at Mizoram Central University. He is the author of  I Stand Apart: Alienated Center in Walt Whitman's “Song of Myself” (2002). His poems have appeared in journals including Ariga, Sol Magazine, Poetry Magazine, Ygdrasil, Eclectica, 42opus, Orbis, Poetry Salzburg Review, Southern Ocean Review, Crannog, Mad Hatters' Review and The Pedestal Magazine.


