The Laura Challenge

Kenneth Pobo


A friend challenges me to write

a poem about Laura.  Eeew, I say,

it would be icky.  She pushes me

further.  Think about the box

she lives in, things she can’t say,

judgments that surround her, making her

dance when she just wants to fall


asleep.  I set my poem in a café.

Laura has snuck away and we order

New York cheesecake.  She savors

two pieces.  I ask about her family.

She says she’d rather talk about

a book.  What have I read?

I tell her about the new Edwin

Arlington Robinson bio.  Her eyes

widen.  She must have it.  She claims

I don’t realize how lonely that big

house gets.  Her sad face,

I can barely make eye contact, study

my napkin.  We say goodbye.  Before


I go to pick Stan up at the depot,

I see her get whisked into a limo—

she looks tiny as she disappears.


Kenneth Pobo’s work appears in magazines such as Southern Indiana Review, Nimrod,, three candles, Colorado Quarterly and elsewhere.  His radio show, “Obscure Oldies” can be heard at (broadcasting from Widener University in Chester, Pennsylvania)  on Saturdays from 6pm-8pm Eastern Time.  WordTech Press is bringing out a new book of his poems called Glass Garden in 2008.    


