Love in Love
Yesterday, a lightbulb rose & burned
a hole in the film-negative night,
blew into bright shards and shingled the moon.
Love lives here, with satellite,
with broken glass of creation
swirling overhead.
Tonight, Love watches tiny empires rise up
in waves and crumble onto Idaho beach.
A coronary of stars blocks the sun.
Love wonders: if everyone looked up & exhaled,
would night finish ripping its buttons and burst,
unashamed, into daybreak?
Love yearns in wet-work wiring for a connection
with itself.
The next morning Love met a boy with a white shirt
and yellow-fine hair on fire that burned clean through
sepia toned sunshine. Loves retina detached. His smile still there.
Love died a little after that.
Tomorrow, Love will know braided ravens in winter
flowing elbow-length over a tall woman.
She will stand in the state built on saw dust,
will saw Love's heart out, crack a torch
and burn the pieces. Tears distort blue mountains,
tumble to bright meteors, erupt oceans:
tsunamis kill Mexican peasants fishing off the coast.
But in Idaho it's just slightly windy.
No matter what Love wants.
J.R.Pearson is a poet living and writing in Rathdrum, Idaho & his work is forthcoming online as well as in print from The Indie
Underground, The Cherry Blossom Review, & Dogzplot. He is a
member of an experimental group of collaborators called Orzel Transtextual
Poetry (Pam O Shaughnessy & Steve Parker) which engage in, among other
things, combining Flarf with real-time emotions. He was born in Lansing, Michigan and watched his brother, Ben, die there at 28. Survived by his nephew
Solomon & these poems charged with his life.