Tenacity, or Woopiedoo for the Finale

Louie Crew

Hattie always was a survivor.
      Even when fuel ran out,
she cut her rugs
      to make thick coats for all of us
and pedaled through alleys foraging our food.
When the fall-out killed the rest of us,
      armless and with only one leg,
Hattie was one of the 25 folks left,
      battling with ants on the Mohave
for a last supper.


 Louie Crew, 72, an Alabama native, is an emeritus professor at  Rutgers. He lives in East Orange, New Jersey, with Ernest Clay, his husband of  35+ years.   Crew has edited special issues of College English and Margins. He has written four poetry volumes:  Sunspots (Lotus Press, Detroit, 1976) , Midnight Lessons (Samisdat, 1987), Lutibelle's Pew (Dragon Disks, 1990), and Queers! for Christ's Sake! (Dragon Disks, 2003).  The University of Michigan collects Crew’s papers.

