Tipton Poetry Journal - Fall 2009
The Tipton Poetry Journal, located in the heartland of the Midwest, publishes quality poetry from Indiana and around the world.
to the Fall 2009 issue, our 15th.
If you look closely you will find here images of harvest and leaves
falling, and a taste of apples and halloween and pranks and pumpkins. There are poems which deal with grief and
loss. There is an ekphrastic poem by
Norbert Krapf, Indiana’s Poet Laureate, inspired by a photograph of The
Mayberry Café in Danville, Indiana. And
JL Kato reviews Fiona Sze-Lorrain’s Water
the Moon. In
the center pages, we present perhaps the opposite of ekphrastic poetry: artwork which is inspired by poetry
(instead of the other way around). The
artwork by Jody Flynn and Lynne Miller which accompany Ruthelen Burns’ “The
Fallen” and Phoenix Cole’s “Porcellana” are each works of art inspired by
poetry and were part of the 2009 Art of Poetry Tour held in Zionsville,
Subscriptions ($16 for 4 issues) and available copies of the journal ($5 each) may be purchased either online or by check payable to Tipton Poetry Journal. Submission guidelines and information about past issues are also available at:
http://tiptonpoetryjournal.com http://twitter.com/tiptonpoetry
Barry Harris, Editor Katie Kowalski, Assistant Editor Tipton Poetry Journal P.O. Box 804 Zionsville, Indiana 46077
Cover photo by Barry Harris.
Copyright 2009 by the Tipton Poetry Journal.
All rights remain the exclusive property of the individual poets and may not be used without their permission. Tipton Poetry Journal is published by Brick Street Poetry Inc., a registered non-profit corporation in Indiana. Brick Street Poetry Inc. is in the process of applying for tax-exempt status under IRS code 501(c)(3).
Subscription guidelines and information about past issues are also available at: http://tiptonpoetryjournal.com/submission.html. |
Issue #15 is available for sale
on-line now for $5.00 including shipping. |
Tipton Poetry
Journal Copyright 2009 by the Tipton Poetry