Apples, A Sidebar

Kit Kennedy



Text Box: Dear H,

Winter rain came early and fierce.
Yet we haven’t lost a tree this year and the apples, by and large, wormless.  The small misshapen ones we sauté in butter, serve with chicken or French toast.  Everyone gobbles them up.  Remember?

By the way, thanks a bunch for the table runner.  The white linen sets off a glass bowl of our Fuji nicely.  You’re a dear. 

The news here is the old place will be painted (inside) this Spring after much plastering.  The grandkids are pushing me to paint the living room a deep blue.  Indigo they call it.  I suggested we play some Ellington and stick to the neutral.

That’s it from this orchard.

A dusting of light on shelves.

Sun spills the wall amber,



Cross my legs/fold an arm

caricature of laundry

being prepared for shelf,


the closet.  I hold the empty

against myself

and sip tea.


I need to thank Helen.


All morning, I’ve been asking

When did we stop dancing.  Why?
















Kit Kennedy has published in Blood Orange Review, The Café Review, HeartLodge,  Karamu, Lavanderia, Mannequin Envy, Merge, Runes, Saranac Review, Snow Monkey, and the anthology, you say. say.  She hosts the monthly reading series at Gallery Café, in San Francisco.

