After Talking to Steve
“I think we can regard therapy, when it is good, as a waiting by the pond.
Each time we dip our wound into the water, we get nourishment, and the strength to go on further in the process.” - Robert Bly
The hand rests.
The waves are what
the waves are.
The place of fury
is not concerned
with self.
The rider who writes
appears ready
for that which is not
writing. The
head rests.
The place of design
pauses in its
insistence on design.
Precedents flutter,
like flags of
countries no longer
The way out is still the
way in.
The way that can be
spoken of is
not spoken of.
The heart rests too.
Corey Mesler has published poetry and prose in Adirondack Review,
American Poetry Journal, Paumanok Review, Yankee Pot Roast, Elimae, Rattle,
Cordite Poetry Review, Smartish Pace, and
others. He has two novels from Livingston
Press: Talk: a Novel in Dialogue (2002) and We are Billion-Year-Old
Carbon (2007). Corey’s first full-length collection of poems is Some
Identity Problems (Foothills Publishing, 2007). He has several Pushcart
nominations and his poem, “Sweet Annie Divine,” was chosen for
Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac. Corey
and his wife own Burke's Book Store in Memphis, Tennessee.