Stoning of a Chameleon
Condemned by the wise –
who were perched atop a slide
with slings – for staying still,
the slithering scale of roving orbits
stood no chance. The patriarch,
face scarred by raiding pimples,
held aloft a pebble – against
an empty canvas of blue – for
his subjects to see. Their murmurs
caught his ears: a wind curling into
the sails. Right eye pinched
into a silverfish, he took aim, hitting
it once and then once more. A blizzard
of earth struck home and as the reptile
bled, they took a final shot
straight down to the center
of their soul
Rohith Sundararaman is a twenty-three year old poet writing out of Bombay, India. His work has appeared or will appear in Elimae,
Eclectica, Ghoti Magazine, Word Riot, Gud Magazine, Dcomp, Defenestration,
Death Metal Poetry, and other places. When he is not dreaming
of poetry, he is busy taking courses at a local business school.